Photo: Pearl Valley Cheese
Country: United States
Region: N/A

Picture: Esh Foods
Made from: Cow’s milk
Pasteurised: Yes
Texture: Paprika rind, soft but solid center
Taste: Soft, honeyed, buttery
Certification: No
Ageing: Minimal, in order to comply with U.S. sale regulations
Introduction: Muenster is a tasty, common cheese that can be found in most U.S. grocery stores. Both French and American cheese lovers may already be familiar with Muenster-each enjoying a slightly different version. Muenster is sold in a variety of cuts, from slices to whole, large pieces. If you have eaten the American version, it was likely in a sandwich or in a delicious batch of macaroni and cheese.
History: Muenster cheese has an interesting history; it was not a traditionally American cheese. You might have heard of Munster cheese, which was the prerequisite to Muenster. There is an important distinction in both spelling and type of Munster cheese differentiation. One stems from the other, and the original is French. Even the spellings of Muenster have a geographical history-Munster is a derivation of monastery, because it was monks who first made this cheese. Now, Americans have created Muenster, (a “spin off” cheese) and this is what is distributed in America, while Munster stays in France.

Picture: HM Hub
How to Enjoy: Muenster will taste amazing in a sandwich-melted or cold. You can also use it in a melty macaroni and cheese, or as part of a cheese platter alongside a cracker selection. The most widely recommended drink to be consumed with Muenster is beer.
Sources: Cheese.com, Cheesehouse.com, Eatlikenoone.com, Cheesewiki.com
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